new YORK (Reuters Health) – in Ontario, quantity of

people who develop chronic heart failure is

reduced in recent years.

a new study found that you between 1997 and 2007, the

new cases fell one-third in that Canadian province: of

455 to 306 cases per every 100,000 inhabitants.

“There was a significant reduction,” said the principal, author

Dr. Jack V. Tu, of the University of Toronto, Ontario.

Although the results published in the Canadian Medical

Association Journal belong to a single province, your indicated

which is a trend that could be replicated in the rest of Canada

and United States.

heart failure is a chronic disease that

prevents the heart can pump blood efficiently

to the rest of the body, causing fatigue, shortness of breath, and retention of

liquid in the legs.

often, patients develop the disease by a

damage of the heart muscle after a heart attack or by the

coronary heart disease (buildup of cholesterol plaques in the


For Tu, this drop in the heart in Ontario

could be attributed to the reduction of coronary heart disease and

infarcts. “could also be for a better control of the

hypertension, which is one of the main risk factors

heart failure”, explained.

team of your revised information from hospitals and the

doctors and found that, in a decade, had them

diagnosed heart to some 420,000 residents

of Ontario. but the incidence was reduced at the time.

“The not so good news”, said Tu. “when installing the

disease”el pronóstico sigue siendo malo “.

nl 1997, el 27 por ciento de los pacientes fallecía en un

En el año. 2007, ese porcentaje tijdperk de alrededor del 25 por

ciento. Entre los pacientes hospitalizados por insuficiencia

cardíaca, nl 1997 moría el 36 por ciento, comparado con el 34

por ciento nl el 2007, una permitteert estadísticamente


“Lo mejor Sería prevenir la insuficiencia cardíaca”, sostuvo

Tu nl referencia een controlar la presión y otros Factores factores de

riesgo coronario, como el colesterol alto, el tabaquismo, la

obesidad y la diabetes.

Existe la preocupación de que esta reducción se estabilice

o, inclusief, se revierta porque las altas and de obesidad y de

diabetes tipo 2 nl la población joven.

nl cuanto a la tasa de insuficiencia cardíaca, concluyó van de Tu

que” definitivamente, el panorama mejoró. Pero hooi que

< p"> om het te controleren".

Bron: Canadian Medical Association Journal, online 20 van

augustus 2012.