(Reuters) – de directeur van een virale video die dringt erop aan dat de arrestatie van de Oegandese rebellen leider Joseph Kony heeft het ziekenhuis in Californië na een” ongelukkige incident “dat zijn fractie vrijdag aan emotionele laden van de laatste weken toegeschreven.

Jason Russell, directeur van de 30 minuten durende video gepost op YouTube“Kony 2012 “and co-founder of Invisible Children group, Thursday he was hospitalized for”exhaustion, dehydration and malnutrition”, said the Chief Executive Officer of Invisible Children, Ben Keesey, in a statement.

“the past two weeks have had a high emotional cost for all of us, especially for Jason, and that cost is expressed in an unfortunate incident yesterday,”said Keesey without giving more details.

“the passion of Jason and his work have done so much to help so many people that we are shattered by seeing you suffer this problem of personal health”, said.

the video directed by Russell became a sensation on the Internet this month, accumulating nearly 80 million views on YouTube since it was published with the aim of raising awareness to the world about the atrocities committed by the army of resistance of the Lord of Kony, including the abduction of children and forcing them to fight.

< p> Famous as George Clooney, Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Oprah Winfrey have announced their support for the cause. the company owned by the powerful producer Harvey Weinstein has been in contact with Russell to buy the movie.

a police spokesman in San Diego, asked about information concerning the detention of Russell, was limited to say that a white 33-year-old man had been taken to a medical center on Thursday by the morning.

“The San Diego Police Department received several calls saying that he was acting strangely, running into traffic, interfering with traffic, screaming,” said the spokesman, the Lt. Andra Brown.

said that some agents arrested the man, who according to witnesses was in “various degrees of nudity” but not arrested him after deciding it was best to take it to a doctor. not wanted to identify it.

the grote succes van de video van Russell is geprezen door inspireren jonge mensen om actie te ondernemen, maar is ook bekritiseerd door een vereenvoudiging van een lange crisis van rechten van de mens.

Russell vertelt de video met een persoonlijk verhaal dat foto’s van haar zoon in San Diego, Californië, met de uitzichtloosheid van kinderen in Uganda plaatst.