San Salvador, 17 Aug (EFE).-the Government of El Salvador declared today the health alert nationwide and asked families to join in from home to the fight against dengue, which to date has resulted in two dead and 4,800 patients.

“taking into consideration the request of the Ministry of health to move to a higher level of care and control of the transmission of dengue disease vectors we issue alert (…) at the national level”, said at press conference the director of Civil protection, Jorge Melendez.

he pointed out that dengue disease “no longer be can address and resolve in hospitals and clinics”, but that must be resolved in the homes, jobs and schools.

“the goal is to cut the chain of transmission of dengue, we must all work to ensure this goal,” added.

the waarschuwing zal worden “oranje” (preventief) van de meest door deze ziekte getroffen departementen “waar 50% van verdachte gevallen” van dengue zijn positief, voegde hij eraan toe.

San Salvador, Santa Ana (West) en centrale Chalatenango, Cuscatlán en Cabañas afdelingen zullen vanaf vandaag onder deze mate van waarschuwing.

waarschuwing zal worden ’geel’, in de departementen Sonsonate (West), La Libertad, La Paz en San Vicente, alle in het midden van het land, en in La Union en San Miguel (Oost).

Melendez uitgelegd de waarschuwing oranje en geel betekent dat alle gezondheid en civielebeschermingsdiensten “op een permanente basis” te werken roeien dengue en zal moeten ontwikkelen van haar werkplan met betrekking tot de noodsituatie.

in de departementen Ahuachapán (West), Usulután en Morazán)East) the alert will be “green”, which imply that the commissions are in “State of sizing”, i.e. establish periodic meetings of evaluation of disease to avoid an increase, said Melendez.

alert, to varying degrees at the national level, “shall remain in force for the period of August and September 2012,” added, at the time that pointed out that lift made assessments relevant.

so far El Salvador recorded two deaths from this disease, a 14-year-old girl and a less than four years.

health authorities reported 4,800 cases of dengue, of which 268 are serious or bleeding.

despite the number of cases, Melendez stressed that El Salvador “is the Latin American country that has the least amount of lethality in the continent,” since other countries such as Panama and Honduras opgenomen respectievelijk 15 en 81 overledene voor deze ziekte, zei hij. EFE