Geneva, 15 mar (EFE).-the number of people in the world who benefit from some measure of the fight against tobacco has increased by 1,100 million in the past two years, but these efforts have been largely offset by the advertising and promotion of cigarette that finances the industry snuff box.

this was revealed by a study prepared by the Organization World Health (who) focused on the impact of the framework Convention on tobacco in force since 2005, and widespread today in Geneva.

with an eye on the world day against tobacco, which is held every May 31 and that this year will revolve around the “interference” of the industry in international efforts to reduce the consumption of tobacco, the document offers an encouraging progress image, but at the same time recognizes that “the epidemic continues to expand”.

< p> Las kern gereedschappen razones, verklaarbaar, es la publicidad, auspicio y promoción que hace directa o indirectamente la industria tabaquera, el crecimiento de la población en países donde el uso del tabaco está nl aumento y lo extremadamente difícil que es parar de fumar dat al high-level adictivo del tabaco.

La OMS apuesta nl el informe por destacar el aumento vertiginoso de personas cubiertas por una o más medidas de controle antitabaco que preconiza la convención y que actualmente totalizan los 3.800 de beneficiarios (el 55% de la población mundial).

Sin embargo, las tres cuartas partes de ETA’s personas nl realidad se benefician de una sola medida antitabaco, que suele ser el etiquetado de las cajetillas de cigarros con advertencias (nl texto o additional) de los riesgos para la salud que implica fumar.

Así, sólo algo más de 1.000 de personas están protegidas por dos o más medidas antitabaco Monteverde de manera rigurosa.

< p> The progress has been remarkable in the last two years, period in which about thirty countries entered at least one measure against tobacco in their legislation, involving 1,100 million people.

at the financial level the report reveals that she has substantial progress been made to increase the income generated by taxes on tobacco, but regrets that this is not reflected even remotely in the funding of activities directed at reducing their consumption.

currently, according to the who, Governments collect some 133,000 million dollars for taxes on tobacco, but spent less than a billion in trying to control its use, a deficit that is most evident in the low-income countries and media.

most commonly used strategies and at the same time they have shown to be effective are great in cigarette packaging graphics, as well as bewustmaking via de media, die vaak van invloed zijn op de rokers, en hen aanmoedigen te ophouden zo sterk campagnes.

tabak is verantwoordelijk voor elk jaar van de dood van zes miljoen mensen, waaronder 600.000 die doet niet roken, maar die zijn blootgesteld aan de rook.

volgens de prognoses van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie, de waarschijnlijkheid dat meer dan de helft van de 1.000 miljoen consumenten van tabak aan oorzaken die aan deze gewoonte gerelateerde sterven is hoog. EFE