the whooping cough, a highly contagious disease and it affects the young, returns to be in situation of costeffective, as reported by the Ministry of health of the nation.

according to specialists, the number of cases increased by 29% in so far the year. Although they are studying the causes, health authorities and children’s infectious diseases specialists argue that it is due to a variety of factors and that besides, it’s a problem at level global.

data submitted by the World Health Organization revealed that in the last decade, the number of cases of cough whooping in Latin America grew a 90%.

one of the causes may be due to a natural cycle of the disease, which is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, and that parents do not comply strictly with the information and recommendations about the official vaccination calendar.

“”Every four years about outbreaks of cough there whooping. now are surpassing an outbreak”, admitted Luis Crovetto, director of primary health care of the Ministry of health of the province of Buenos Aires.

“in some provinces, vaccination coverage against whooping cough in children fails to exceed the 70%. the problem occurs because there are families that lead the kids to vaccinate on time and efficiently”, said Carlota Russ, prosecretaria of the Committee on infectious diseases of the society Argentina of Pediatrics.

in addition, the specialist admitted that “there could be some change in the characteristics of the bacteria that may be influencing the outbreak”.

the kids are most likely to contract this disease since they have not yet developed their lungs. the bacterium that cause is transmitted by direct contact with secretions from the mucosa of the nose of people infected.

in Los chicos más grande la bacteriën se manifiesta con un catarro persistente y tos seca, mientras que los síntomas nl los más chicos zoon diferentes.

nl los lactantes, se percibe una dificultad para la alimentación, VN-aumento de la frecuencia respiratoria y la tos. “Pueden sufrir een apneas, por las cuales parece que los bebés dejan de respirar y se ponen azules”, detalló Russ. El problema nl este grupo se puede complicar y desencadenar otros trastornos.

La neumonía es la causa de la mayoría de las muertes por tos convulsa.

“Para contrarrestar este problema de salud pública, todos deben colaborar. El mensaje belangrijkste para las familias es que lleven een vacunar een los chicos een los centros de salud cuando corresponda según el calendario oficial de inmunizaciones”, indicó Russ. “Se recomienda llevarlos een la consulta apenas se detecten los síntomas. een veces pueden confundirse con cuadros alérgicos, pero siempre es mejor consultar een un médico”, concluyó.

A begin dit jaar, de vaccinatie kalender toegevoegd aan zwangere vrouwen uit de 20e week van de dracht ter bescherming van hun baby’s.