Obesity have mentioned other times that obesity is considered to be the new plague of the 21st century and probably the biggest cause of death along with the cancer. It is the main risk factor for cardiovascular disease, thus a serious impediment when it comes to a normal life in those who suffer from. And despite all this, his Studio is relatively decent, it was not until the Decade of the 70 or 80 that this evil has spread among the population.


normally talk about causes environmental and intrinsic causes. The first are largely of family origin, consumer habits that we inherited, the attitude towards food, etc. come us family hopelessly. Even identify the abundant food as award ” is a habit that we acquired during childhood; Although the advertising blitz to which we subject does more than enhance these factors, hardly can resist one when they do not stop bombing images of hamburgers.

Intrinsic causes include genetics and metabolism of each, own and non-transferable, in particular during the last years has studied the effect of the hormone leptin, satiating effect and whose absence seems to be related to obesity, even in the earliest stages. is there a solution for this epidemic?There is a solution and that if, let us have no illusions, we must be realistic, at general or epidemiological level there is a pill ” magic, and in each case the treatment will have to be customized. But among those who are unable to control his desire to eat more gastric balloon is imposing. What is success? well, first no need for a surgical operation, all a breakthrough because patients who suffer from obesity are especially prone to complications during surgery, and in particular in the cardiothoracic (which would not be the case).

Insist, is not any miracle ”, it is effective and convenient, does not need a post-operative, depending on the doctor can give you high without having to be entered, etc. It has its drawbacks and risks, of course, put a ball in the stomach causes the early days nausea, headache, stomach, etc. and can cause last once this stage small acidic ebbs. That Yes, warned that if you are considering placed this gastric balloon should know that it will not get anything without a change of habits. The ball will cause you the feeling of be always full ”, but if it is not able to avoid eating and making sport, the ball will prove of little help.

Tags: gastric balloon, obesity