The surgeon and medical director of IntraObes, Miguel Ángel Escartí, emphasised that obesity surgery cures the 78 per cent of cases of sleep apnea, as indicated in a statement on Thursday.

The doctor has pointed out that one in five people with obesity suffers from sleep apnea, which consists a blockage at the exit of the air during breathing for more than 10 seconds. According to Escartí, the sleep apnea episodes are repeated throughout the night. “it is as if someone gourd you head with a pillow 50 or 100 times during the night,” has told.

Other symptoms on the sleep apnea are “snoring very strong and then they stop breathing seconds until that seemed to be choking and return to snoring” highlighted the doctor. Also noted that those affected by this condition develop over time hypertension and “substantially” increases the risk of cerebral vascular accident and cardiovascular diseases.

This online Escartí has stressed that the patient with sleep apnea has “unconscious awakening”, wakes up and does not rest, just wanting to sleep, is irritated, has bad memory, is unable to deal with the problems and often suffers from a depressive table.

The medical director of IntraObes has tempered that, although the sleep apnea is “very common” among the population, 4 per cent suffers, but only 1 in 10 cases is “correctly diagnosed and treated, this sleep disorder responds exceptionally well to weight loss”.

In this line, has pointed out that “when the patient loses their first 10 or 15 kilos in one or two months, you stop suffering apneas” Escartí has advised that people who experience excessive daytime sleepiness, they notice symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea or suffer from this condition and symptoms do not improve with time, go to your doctor.

In this sense, has revealed that if the circumference of the neck is greater than 43 centimeters, there is an “increased risk” of suffering sleep apnea, while that if you have more than 60 centimeters “probably have obstructive sleep apnea”.