one of every four primary care consultations regarding symptoms of origin unknown.

‘ Epidemic ’ disease phantom ”.

-a person suffers from somatizaciones when you have one or more symptoms, and after a medical examination, these symptoms can not be explained by a disease organic.

-Nahia San Pedro, psychologist of AMSA says that every human being is a part of the body more vulnerable, it is here where it appears the disease, which has its origin in a psychological imbalance ”.

-psychosomatic diseases often associated with anxious, depressive episodes, and disorders of personality, among others.

-hypertension, peptic ulcer, irritable colon, neurodermatitis, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and bronchial asthma are some diseases which suspected that the psychological factor can have great importance.

-the expert advocates a treatment that integrates the physical and psychological, i.e., care and deepen the mind-body relation ”.

Bilbao, September 2009.- The maximum Mens sana in corpore sano evidence the close link between the mind and body. In the same way that many physical diseases affect our State of mind and provoke us fear, fear and concern, many psychological problems cause physical symptoms.

In effect, psychosomatic diseases are very common. So much so, some studies suggest that nearly 12% of the European population suffers these annoyances, and considered that a quarter of the people who come to the primary care physician have such diseases.

In general terms refers to a person suffers from somatizaciones when you have one or more symptoms, and after a medical examination these symptoms can not be explained by an organic disease. According to Nahia San Pedro Santana, AMSA psychologist specialist in dance movement therapy, psychosomatic disease has as origin a psycho-emotional disorder that crossed the barrier of the body and generates real diseases ”.

The expert refutes the false belief that such diseases have no real physical symptoms. On occasion I have treated patients with ulcers of the stomach with vomiting, and bleeding whose origin was not organic, but psychic ”. St. Peter says that every human being is a part of the body more vulnerable, it is here where it appears the disease ”.

Associated pathology

This type of pathology also tend to go associated in many cases to other types of mental illness. We can affirm that psychosomatic diseases are usually linked with anxious, depressive episodes, and even with disorders of personality, among others ”.

There are also a number of diseases physical ” in which suspected that the psychosomatic factor can have great importance. These are: hypertension, peptic ulcer, irritable colon, neurodermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis, bronchial asthma.

The root of the problem is therefore a mental imbalance, a fragmentation between the psychic and physical ”. To find out, many patients are authentic pilgrimages ” by different specialists which fail to give the nail on the head because organic treatments not only heal psychosomatic diseases ”.

Harmony body/mind

The AMSA psychologist calls for care for the mind-body relationship. To treat these disorders, explains, the first thing is to come into contact with our body through a process of bodily awareness through movement, dance, and auto-masaje ”. The aim is to integrate the physical and psychological ”, adds.

On the other hand, increasingly is diagnosed more and increasingly doctors derive more psychologists ”. In fact, are slowly breaking schools of Psychosomatic Medicine, something very new in our country ”, according to the expert said.

To recognize these diseases, Saint Peter says that often until that professional treatment administered by the doctor does not fail, there is no referral ”. However, increasingly there are more people that goes directly to the psychologist ”, hue.