Osteoporosis on October 20 held the World Osteoporosis Day, what is reason to take a small look at the current situation of this terrible organic deficiency. It’s a very worrying and dangerous, disease especially among persons over 50 years, and that affects in particular women.

Recently, the Spanish society of orthopaedic surgery and Traumatology has conducted a study whose findings indicate that one in two women and one of every four men older than 50 years, possibly suffer a bone fracture due to osteoporosis. The break bones e suna very dangerous consequence and aque statistics indicates that one in four people who have died before one year(en_palabras_deel_coordinador_deel_estudio,_el_doctor_Manuel_Mesa_Ramo).

women who pass through the phase of menopause are more likely to suffer from this disease. This is so because the menopause causes a lack of estrogen, one of whose functions is to set the calcium at the bones to strengthen them.

Classic patient who suffers from osteoporosis is almost always a woman of around sixty-year-old who comes to your family doctor for back pain. Treatment for this disease is mostly based on extra contributions of calcium for bones, but also includes a specific diet and the recommendation of sunbathing insofar as possible, so that vitamin D that brings this contributes to the assimilation of calcium by the skeleton.

More information: Consumer.es

Tags: diseases bones, osteoporosis treatment