the new accessions were published in Ordinance of the Ministry of health.


the Pact for health already counts with the accession of 4,225 Brazilian municipalities, which represents 75.9% of the total 5,563. Over 140 municipalities, being 75 State of Sergipe, acceded to the Pact, a sort of agreement established in 2006 to improve the management of SUS. The participation of the new municipalities in Portaria 581/11, published this week by the Ministry of health.

Of new accessions, three municipalities are in the State of Alagoas, cinco de Goiás, Maranhão 13, nine from four of Pernambuco, Paraíba, Piauí, Brazil 17, eight of Rio Grande do Sul, Tocantins, two and one each of these States: Amazonas, Bahia, Mato Grosso and Pará.

the Health Pact set a new standard of SUS relationship with society, governed by identifying problems to be faced by the system and based on a common agenda of health commitments. Pact’s purposes are the consolidation of Brazilian health reform and the construction of a model of solidarity and management of health care


in addition to 4,225 municipalities, all Brazilian States already participating in the agreement which has as its main results to change the way the federal transfer of financial resources by means of plates, the pactuação of policies linked to the qualification of basic care, the establishment of responsibilities between managers with the conclusion of the Term of Management Commitments,

among others.