The Spanish Paediatric Association (EPA) recommends preparing the children for a few days before the time change is “slow and progressive” they can adapt to the new schedule, which often generate, especially in this collective problems of sleep, fatigue and lack of attention to a more pronounced degree.

In this way, advised to advance approximately 15 minutes time to eat and study as well as the time of bedtime and wake up. Is to avoid or soften symptoms such as “problems of attention, irritability, anger, tiredness and discouragement”, says Dr. Gonzalo Pin, Coordinator of the Group of dream of the AEP.

This representative also warns that children forced to lie down more early may manifest problems to fall asleep by the presence of sunlight, which causes a deficit of hours of sleep and, in turn, negatively influencing the use school in the timeliness, assistance and the level of care.

In general, the symptoms before the time change vary from person to another as well as the time that can take to adapt, precise the neurologist in the Hospital USP San Camilo Madrid, doctor Antonio Yusta left, who believes that, of not achieved the adaptation in ten days at most, it is advisable to go to the consultation of the specialist.

Yusta Izquierdo concrete which, with the time change, alter rhythms, which is why you can have difficulties to fall asleep and wake-up, especially in people who take anxiolytics or antidepressants, since they affect the brain functioning, in the vigilia-sueño life cycle and the structure of sleep.

However, experts advise to keep fixed hours of night rest and avoid prolonged NAPs; hydrate well; not drink beverages stimulant from certain times of the day, and not go to bed with the sensation of hunger or having eaten in excess.

Not, perform intensive physical or intellectual activities in the hours prior to bedtime, because excessive fatigue causes insomnia; not exposed to bright light before going to bed and avoid self-medication.