More than simply meet the vanity, a perfect smile, rejuvenates influences the success and even reduces chances of premature death.


is the evidence of recent research, as published in the magazine PsychologyandAging, where 154 men and women attributed the smaller to the real ages for people who were smiling on about one thousand portraits.

another study of King ’ sCollege, London, shows that a group with about a hundred volunteers assessed the same individuals unfavourably when they were represented in pictures with cariados or stained teeth. People with visible signs of dental decay were classed as less intelligent, less popular and less adjusted. Already those who had bleached teeth were assessed as the most attractive and successful


a third survey by UniversityCollegeof London confirmed that positive and happy people live longer. Four thousand people between 52 and 79 years were accompanied by over five years and the conclusion is that with life have 35% less chance of premature death.

On these findings, the good news is that the market offers various types of bleaching, resins and facets that allow anyone to view a beautiful smile and uniform. Some examples:


“The Resins composite resins are among the materials used in aesthetic restorations. With them, you can simulate the natural teeth, copying the form, translucence, texture and color, without compromising strength and function. And the best with safety and durability, “says dentist Américo Mendes, master and doctor of operative dentistry from the University of São Paulo (USP).

usually made in a single session clinic, the composite resins can be used both in anterior teeth (incisors and canines) as in posterior teeth (premolars and molars). Return the color in the cases of dental caries, fractures, old restorations with infiltration, toothed darkened after channel treatment or who are born with some difference in appearance, and even in exchange for amalgam restorations (ASH) by clear. This material is versatile, because meets any level of staining and allows to achieve equality with the aesthetics of natural teeth, the example of resin Opallis (FGM Dental Products) that have specific colors for each case.

“anyway, brings back a smile perfectly harmonious and aesthetic, solving various dental problems”, says Mendes.


porcelain veneers

according to Dr. Mauro Piragibe Jr, specialist in Prosthodontics and consultant of ABO (Brazilian Association of dentistry), the facets are indicated for teeth with severe stains that cannot be resolved by bleaching and also in cases called reanatomização aesthetics, that is when the patient does not like the format of the teeth, wants to increase them or want to close the space between them.

A novelty contact lenses are the facets, which has the distinction of being extremely thin (about 0.3 mm). “The big advantage of using this kind of facet is not wearing the teeth. In traditional veneers is necessary to undertake a small wear on tooth surface to fit the porcelain. “, informs Piragibe.


Dental Whitening

“the success of the therapy and feet is directly related with the selection and execution of a technique that fits into the correct diagnosis of color change,” says Luis Gustavo Barrotte Albino, professor in the Department of Dentistry Operatória da Universidade Guarulhos (UnG).

the expert points out that there are three types of whitening: homemade, done in the clinic and the mixed, resulting from the sum – at-home bleaching more surgery. “Regardless of the technique chosen, the dentist is the designated health care professional to examine, evaluate, diagnose and advise the patient on the definition of the most appropriate method.”


periodic Visits to the dentist

a beautiful smile is built also with regular visits to the dentist. “The periodicity of consultations can vary according to age and the risk of each person to oral diseases, and is usually established along with the professional,” says Constanza Odebrecht, technical consultant of FGM Dental Products and Professor at the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (Univali).

Constanza says that with queries, you can prevent the emergence of gingival diseases, dental caries, oral cancer, occlusal problems (bite) caused by clenching dental, bruxism (teeth grinding) and the loss of teeth that have not been replaced by prostheses or


“With this oral disease prevention is a better aesthetics, since in regular consultations are held prophylaxis for stain removal, removal of tartar, exchanges of stained or worn restorations, dental bleaching, in addition to the guidance of hygiene and diet that may be related to bad breath. There are several procedures that collaborate to displaying a perfect smile “, concludes the



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