Pharmacists through administrative and judicial claim payment of the debt.

in the absence of viable solutions by the responsible politicians.

-FEFE urged the official colleges of pharmacists as signatories of the concert and depositaries of the invoice, to claim the payment with solidarity to the national system of health, autonomous communities, Ministry of health, National Institute and Treasury of the Social Security

-the autonomous communities should facilitate a framework financing Convention to reduce the interest charge, yielding to the financial institutions due, liquid and payable debt recovery rights

-Castilla La-Mancha, Balearic Islands, La Rioja and Murcia are the communities most affected so far by repeated drug bills unpaid

– in these communities, to the defaults in the dispensation of drugs users, pharmacies are doomed to the postponement in payment of assessed contributions for Social Security, the wages of their workers, quarterly withholding payments to account to the Treasury and other tributes

-FEFE has agreed to call Toledo an extraordinary General Assembly urgently open to all pharmacists

Madrid, 2011-September the Board directive of Federation corporate Spanish pharmaceutical (FEFE), gathered in Madrid last Wednesday, urged the official colleges of pharmacists as signatories of the concert and depositaries of the invoice, to claim the payment of the debt through administrative and judicial solidarity to the national health systemAutonomous communities, Ministry of health, National Institute and Treasury of the Social Security. This decision has been taken at the inability shown so far by the responsible politicians to solve the crisis pharmacies in autonomous communities such as Castilla La-Mancha, Balearic Islands, La Rioja and Murcia that are suffering, and that is endangering serious pharmaceutical providing accessible, quality and equality to which they are entitled citizens. In these communities, to the defaults in the dispensation of drugs users, pharmacies are doomed to the postponement in payment of assessed contributions for Social Security, wages of their workers, the quarterly payment of retention on account at the Treasury and other taxes, to not be able to meet them for the lack of liquidity and solvency to the Administration the está carrying.

The Board of Directors of FEFE has also agreed to ask the autonomous communities they foster a Convention framework of financing. This would reduce interest on arrears in his Office, giving to the financial institutions due, liquid and payable debt recovery rights.

In addition, before the aggravation of the situation of non-payment and its generalizability throughout Spanish, FEFE require administrative and judicial proceedings the endorsement of the State in the exercise of fundamental rights (special judicial procedure preferential and summary), the right to health and life.

The last measure taken by the Board of Directors of FEFE is to convene a special General Assembly in Toledo, open to all pharmacists of Spain, which will be analyzed in depth the current serious situation and the measures taken.

Finally, the employer pharmaceutical representatives requested the Government of Spain and to the Governments of the autonomous communities as responsible for the maintenance of the national health system to remedy urgently to the serious situation generated, of which we are not responsible nor pharmacists and citizens ”.