first symptoms of the menopause.Ubiquitous weight gain, the famous hot flashes and hormonal changes, joined them real health hazards, such as the increase in the chance of cardiovascular disease or the threat of the dreaded osteoporosis.

Exercise, which as you know is wonderful in all stages of life, a fundamental importance during menopause. On the one hand kept at Bay the kilos more accumulate at the speed of lightning, and other increases our health, both physical as mental

a study carried out by researchers of the University of Erlagen, Germany, and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, confirms without a doubt that stage of menopause women can obtain significant benefits for their health through the practice of exercise or sport.

And what are these benefits? Because apparently, prevents the problems of bones and decalcification, eliminate all tensions suffered in the muscles and reduces back pain. In addition, decreases the level of cholesterol. That Yes, it is important to control our exercise, if possible with the help of your doctor or a specialist, and especially if there are problems of health (e.g. hernias or signs of osteoporosis).

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Tags: exercise and menopause