
contrary to what is believed, the exercise is good for maintaining a healthy brain, even much more than mental development as crossword puzzles and learning new languages.

the active people have healthier brains, with less likelihood of brain shrinkage and forgetfulness, according to a study medical recent.

were evaluated in the study published in the journal Neurology, 700 people born in the 1930s to determine the health of their brains.

Alan Gow, key researcher in this brain health research that was carried out at the University of Edinburgh, confirmed that active people physically who have brain health than those who are more passive.

people who do more exercise have better brain health, but still do not know if it is the exercise what achieves this or if it is the amount of oxygen circulating in the body which makes sure it stays with greater vitality and efficiency ”.

this conclusion is quite logical, since those who do exercise routines often has always tend to have better health, especially if it is complemented with a balanced diet and positive attitude to life.

in spite of making an effort to do activities such as reading, crossword puzzles and the like, failed to find a connection that prove that really help to maintain a healthy brain reaching old age.

studies regarding brain health continue to be made and on what activities help keep it healthy; stay tuned them as there are updates in this regard.