Poor normally on a diet to lose weight is recommended to remove fat and reduce sugar as possible, moreover, among the fitness enthusiasts are hiperproteícas, poor diets, not to mention lacking in lipids (fats) and carbohydrates (sugars).

Recommended is that, from our diet, 50-55% of the energy come from carbohydrates, so if we make a diet poor in these 20-35%, our glycogen (the way in which we gather sugar) will end quickly. But to make glycogen in sugar that our brain can be used, it must burn ” in a process that we will lead inter alia to urinate much (glycogen accumulates with plenty of water, unlike the fat, who has barely). The loss of glycogen and urine causes therefore a loss of weight. If the diet too drags on, the Agency will create ketone bodies (as we have already explained earlier) so that the brain can survive.

Is true that this causes weight loss, cancel the appetite and eat fats, but nothing it is beneficial to health and that also cost us maintain this weight. Dietas-Nutricionistas Spanish Association He has evaluated several clinical trials in this regard, where carbohydrates were reduced to a minimum. You could Verify that these people who followed a low carbohydrate diet lost more weight during the first six months, that those who followed a calorie diet very low in fat. This difference however ceased to be significant to 12 months of the diet, so one could conclude that it is a useful method to lose weight in the short term, but not so for those who suffer from kidney disorders, high cholesterol, diabetes and osteoporosis.

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