prevention, key to the crisis

-The Asepeyo prevention society celebrates the day for safety and health at work with a day in Madrid

-Leopoldo Abadía, author of the best seller ‘ the Ninja crisis and other mysteries of the current economy ’, has announced the best solutions to emerge from the crisis

Madrid, April 2012.- the prevention society, Asepeyo has commemorated the day for safety and health at work with a day in Madrid on the management of the occupational risk prevention as a factor of competitiveness in the current economic context.

The event, held in the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, has analysed the importance of ensuring the safety and health of workers to reduce the business costs of workplace accidents and occupational diseases, with the ultimate goal of providing organizations of greater competitiveness in a difficult economic environment in which they are immersed. Aimed at entrepreneurs and social agents related to the world of work and prevention, the day has been the keynote presentation by Leopoldo Abadía, doctor industrial engineer, ITP Harvard Business School and author of the best seller ‘ the Ninja crisis and other mysteries of the current economy ’. Abbey has presented the speech ‘ the time of the sensible ’, title of his new work, which proposes the best solutions to emerge from the crisis, at the same time that examines the world of politics and society, from an optimistic perspective.

the meeting have been discussed, among other aspects, the legal environment to prevention as a factor for competitiveness, profitability of technical specialties and the labour medicine. For these papers it has counted with the participation of companies, organizations and institutions such as Elecnor, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, UGT Madrid, FCC, Coca-Cola Iberia, Grupo Banco Popular, Acciona S.A., the Association of specialists in occupational medicine (AEEMT) and Securitas Direct Spain. The Act of closing of the general session has been chaired by José Manuel Torrecilla, general director of Mercamadrid and Madridsalud exgerente.

In the course of the day, Maria de Alarcón sea, general director of labour and Manager of the Regional Institute of health and safety in the work of the community of Madrid, has been delivered, in addition, III awards to good practices in prevention of occupational risks of the Asepeyo prevention societycompanies Sacyr Vallehermoso, the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, the Acciona group and to the Coca-Cola system Iberia, distinguished by a good job developing the prevention management, count with a low rate of accidents and the development of a common effort to integrate the preventive practices at all hierarchical levels of the company.