el Prof. Basilio Moreno explains that you diet protein is a good alternative therapy to deal with obesity and overweight.

according to data from the 2005 NAOS strategy currently in Spain, more than 14.5 per cent of the adult (between 25 and 60 years) population suffers obesity and over 38.5% has overweight.

-PronoKal ®, leader in the field of dietary protein, has released its center of counseling dietetics in Madrid, with an inauguration attended by more than 100 doctors from different specialties, in which Prof. Basilio Moreno, President of the foundation of the society for the study of obesity, he was guest of honour.

Madrid, September 2009.- Prof. Basil Brown began last Friday to the cycle of scientific meetings from now will host the PronoKal in Madrid Centre, with its Conference the obesity here and now: an updated review of the medical management of the epidemic of the 21st century tools ”. In it, extensively commented many aspects linked to tackling obesity and overweight in Spain. Among other things, Prof. Moreno explained that according to the strategy 2005 NAOS, in our country, more than 14.5 per cent of the adult population (between 25 and 60 years) suffers obesity and more than one 38.5% are overweight. Obesity is becoming a problem at the global level that is estimated to 1 billion adults are overweight and 300 million are obese.

Given that obesity has become a point of first order, should not wonder that they are now emerging new approaches for treatment. Dietary protein is without doubt a new option to take into account that it favors the use of the energy stored in the fat accumulations, causing the patient to lose weight in a controlled way ”, explained during his lecture Prof. Basilio Moreno.

The presence of Prof. Basilio Moreno, guest of honour at the opening, wants to be the first step of PronoKal ® to convert the new center of consulting on-site dietetics to PronoKal ® in a forum for scientific discussion to help improve the approach to the treatment of obesity and overweight in Estuvieron Spain. also present at the opening to give support to the initiative, the doctors Abarca Benjamin and Mercedes Otero, President and Vice-President of the Spanish society of General Medicine (SEMG) respectively, as well as DRA. Elvira Ródenas, Vice President of the society of medicine and cosmetic surgery (SEMCC).

Obesity, a major problem

Dr. Joan Fondevila, Director-General of the company, says, PronoKal ® has always been aware of its responsibility in the importance of dealing with scientific rigor obesity and overweight, therefore, has always opted for a comprehensive and individualized approach to each patient ”.

Commented Professor Moreno at its Conference, as proteinadas diets have advanced much currently lags behind leaving early attempts at implementation of these protocols. Initially, these dietary methods based on prepared liquids, but now, treatments and which offers PronoKal ® based its implementation of the diet on envelopes of high biological value proteins that allow to be prepared and cooked, so the body assimilate them in a solid manner. In addition, the combination of this diet with the adoption of healthy eating habits, by means of food re-education and with physical activity promotes a multidisciplinary approach to the patient.

At the same time, the strict medical control patients who carried out the PronoKal ® method, allows them to have controlled levels of sodium, potassium, calcium, vitamins, etc. due to the dietary supplements are prescribed by your doctor, which has previously been trained in the method and receive continuous training in the treatment of obesity and overweight and the patologassociated ías.

The Professor also stopped in the differentiation between dietary protein and hiperproteica diet, that said, there is still much confusion between the two concepts. While hiperproteica diet the patient swallows more protein than necessary, without controlling the consumption of lipids and carbohydrates, dietary protein the patient eat the right amount of proteins that need your body, it reduces the intake of lipids and carbohydrates. In this way, the latter promotes the use of the energy stored in the accumulations of fat, resulting in the loss of weight in the patient in a controlled way and improving co-morbidities associated with overweight and obesity ”.

Upcoming scientific meetings

Continuing with its scientific spirit, now and every fifteen days, brand-new PronoKal ® dietary advice centre will host a series of scientific meetings that doctors from disciplines such as General Medicine, Endocrinology or gynaecologythey will discuss the treatment of obesity and overweight. The next talk will take place on Tuesday, September 29 at 14: 00 and is titled carbohydrates: glycaemic index, load glucémica and relationship with the protein diet ”.

About Protein Supplies S.L.

The method Pronokal ® comes to Spain in 2004 in the hands of Protein Supplies S.L., company with centres in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. With a team consisting of more than 104 people, this company continues to grow every day. Its staff are nutritionists and dietitians, medical and administrative staff delegates. In addition, as contributors fixed account with specialists in physical activity, cooks and specialists in psychological support to patients. Each one of them a role specific, targeted directly to the patient or as reinforcement to the different structures of the company. The method PronoKal ®, which can only be prescribed by specially-trained doctors currently has more than 900 medical prescribers in Spain.

Another of the pillars of Protein Supplies S.L. is the continuing education of practitioners that relate to the company. Therefore offers its employees as a programme of upgrades on the method to medical prescribers, as well as workshops to discuss the approach to obesity and practice of physical activity, in order to increase and update the knowledge regarding the PronoKal ® method and the protein diet.