PSN grows 25% new production and more than 63 million of income in gross premiums emission

Madrid, January 2012- PSN mutual closed 2011 with notable increases in premiums of new production and new insurance policies contracted. In particular, the 63,16 registered millions of new production premium pose a 25.5 per cent more than the figure it recorded in 2010. The new policies also broke another significant roof, in the case of 20,000 contracts. In total, mutualists subscribed 20.669 new policies, 22.6 per cent more than in 2010.

The first figures of the closure of the past year confirm the good direction in which PSN remains installed thanks to its growing insurance business, which not fainting despite the many difficulties of the current economic environment. Moreover, the new production once again show that PSN is growing, year after year, at a pace very hard to beat by any other insurance company, either in national
or multinational.

Reviewing the history of the past years, PSN has been able, in just five years, to move from a gross of EUR 17.1 million broadcast to largely overcome the barrier of 60 million, 10,000 million pesetas, increasing almost a 400 per cent new production in five years.

Other results, particularly the premiums collected and managed savings, where PSN expected to overcome the sector data will be announced in the coming weeks.