Psychiatrists from around the State gathered in San Sebastian to treat bipolar disorder in children and adolescents.

-the Foundation Dr. Carlos Elosegui of Policlínica Gipuzkoa organized a course of management of complex disorders in child and adolescent psychiatry

-Dr. Kenneth e. Towbin, expert psychiatrist who has a global leadership on this issue provided, as a special guest, the latest knowledge and practices on these pathologies

– the course was held in the Central building of the technological park of San Sebastian

Donostia-San Sebastian, July 2012.- specialists from across the State gathered in Parque Tecnológico de San Sebastiann to upgrade and advance in management of complex disorders in child and adolescent psychiatry, such as bipolar disorder or the marked mood dysregulation.

The Foundation Dr. Carlos Elosegui and the Gipuzkoa polyclinic service of child and Adolescent Psychiatry have organized this course in which a marked impact theme was revised. As a special guest, Dr. Kenneth e. Towbin, expert internationally renowned psychiatrist and Professor of Psychiatry of the University George Washington of United States, brought the latest knowledge and practices on these rebel disorders treatment, situations that defy scientific knowledge.

Currently Dr. Knneth e. Towbin is also head of the clinic of child psychiatry and adolescent of the National Institute of Mental Health (Maryland-USA), public institution investigating better equipped with the world. This specialist offered attendees with inside information on diagnosis, pharmacological approaches, updating the Psychopharmacologic treatments and steps that are being taken on these disorders.

Thus, his contribution has had a marked impact on psychiatrists summoned to the course and improved professional practice, a practice that should decrease the suffering of patients and improve their quality of life and that of their families.

Management of the complex in child and adolescent psychiatry disorders

DATES: 21 and 22 June
place: Central building. Parque Tecnológico Miramón. San Sebastian

Thursday 21 junio:

17: 00-17: 10 hours: introduction and presentation. Dres. A. Atienza. Director medical Policlínica Gipuzkoa and Dr. j. Fuentes
17: 10-17.30 hours: multimodal management in complex disorders. Dr. Fuentes

17: 30-19: 00 hours: Bipolar disorder and marked mood dysregulation. Dr. K.E.Towbin

19: 00-19: 45 hours: work in small groups. Participants.

19: 45-8: 15 p.m.: exhibition of panels and Symposium. Spokespersons and speakers

Friday, June 22:

8: 30-8: 40 hours: presentation of the day Dr. J.Fuentes

8: 40-9: 30 a.m.: irritability in children and adolescents: concepts, assessment and diagnosis. Dr. K.E.Towbin

9: 30-10: 45 a.m.: work in small groups, clinical cases. Participants.

10: 45-11: 15 a.m.: coffee break

11: 15-12: 15 p.m.: exhibition of panels and Symposium. Spokespersons and speakers

12: 15-13: 00 hours: pharmacological approaches to the Bipolar disorder and marked mood dysregulation. Dr. K.E.Towbin
13: 00-13: 15 hours: Pause

13: 15-14: 00 hours: update of Psychopharmacologic treatments in complex disorders. Dr. K.E.Towbin

14: 00-14: 30 hours: discussion and conclusions. Dr. K.E.Towbin and Dr. j. sources