Reflexology massage as a good medical therapy why not implement and improve this idea to get our well-being? The massage has evolved over the centuries to give rise to practices as interesting as reflexology.Reflexology is a special technique of massage that relies on the work of the reflex points which, according to its principles, all systems of our body are reflected in them. With the pressure in each of these points we stimulate the bodies whose operation we need to correct or balance to arrive at a harmonious state. modern reflexology studied reflex in various parts of the body points as the iris of the eye, ears, or hands Pavilion but its most widely used method is the foot, working these zones in the feet. Apart from the indispensable hands of the massage reflexology uses other many accessories to facilitate the success of massage, such as the roller of wood essences, cream and flowers of Bach, to mention just a few examples.Reflexology is an alternative therapy, not a substitute for conventional medical treatment at any time, although if that can help the progression of the disease to be faster and more bearable. Some problems dealing with more experts on reflexology are the problems of the osseous system, where traditional medicine can do little. An important relief column, contractures and muscle problems caused by stress headaches can be achieved with the implementation of this technique.

Tags: reflexology, reflexology, foot reflexology applications