Remedy in addition to relate quintessential discord and the temptation to sin, the Apple is one of foods with greater benefits proven scientifically to health.Has substantial amounts of nutrients, vitamins and energy values that make up the fuel that the body works each day.

Its attributes make highly curative. Probably once you padeciste indigestion someone close recommended you eat an Apple to ease the discomfort, and who did it certainly isn’t a mistake. This fruit is anti-inflammatory of the digestive system, i.e. in cases of inflammation of the stomach, intestines or urinary tract, it is advisable to boil a few pieces in 1 liter of water, and drink a glass of the resulting tea three times a day.

Remedy on the other hand, is diuretic and depurative, cystine, arginine and Malic acid which contains contribute to the Elimination of toxins stored in body. Also favors the Elimination of bodily fluids, and their consumption is especially appropriate in cases of obesity and disease rheumatic.

You can also work as a laxative smooth in cases of constipation, especially when eaten in the early hours of the morning, because that is a good regulator apparatus digestive.

Thanks to its elements phytochemicals, eat it in small pieces and away from the main meals, gives a feeling of satiety, which is substantial to add an entire Apple has an approximately 45 calories and 8 grams of carbohydrate.

Remedy if this outside little, can work as anti-smoking: a diet based only on apples for a day will help to quit smoking.

Among its advantages of preparation is power combined with other sweet and savoury ingredients, cooking in cold or subjected to fire, and have the perfect size to carry with them when you go home.

Health alternative, issue 71.

Tags: Fiber, fruit, vitamins