The UAB brings together European experts in diseases of human remains old.

Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès, 2011-September today, Wednesday 14, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) organized in the Faculty of Biosciences a working session with prominent Spanish and European researchers in paleopathology. The day preceding the 11th National Congress of Paleopathology as organized by the UAB, will take place from 15 to 17 September in Andorra.

The meeting of working, of free access, will take place in the degrees of the Faculty of Biosciences room from 4 p.m. and will feature the participation of a dozen researchers from several countries in the European Community, which they will discuss the current state of the paleopathology and exchange experiences on their development in the respective countries.

To the seminar, organized by the anthropology unit of the UAB, attended by some of the researchers of renowned intervene as speakers at the 11th National Congress of Paleopathology as Niels Lynnerup (University of Copenhagen), an expert on the mummies of the marshes ( bog bodies ”) of Denmark, Ildiko Pap (Museum of Natural history of Hungary) expert in medieval Mummies and Luigi Capasso (University of Chieti)(, Italy), known for his research at Herculaneum.

The paleopathology is a multidisciplinary science that investigates diseases detected in ancient human remains, as well as the State of health and welfare of past human populations. His main interest lies in the fact that awareness of these diseases has not only a historical significance, but also present, because it allows us to understand its evolution. Why is it based on the study, mainly from human remains, fossilized, skeletonized or mummified, from a medical, biological and archaeological perspective.

A National Congress on transnational

So it refers to the national Congréso of Paleopathology, this eleventh edition, the organizers of the Symposium, DRA. Assumpció Malgosa and Dr. Albert Isidro, led to Andorra to disseminate research in paleopathology is done in Spain researchers from beyond the Pyrenees

Congress is biennial symposium of the Spanish society of Paleopathology and assembly reference of researchers working in this field in all the Penígames. Will therefore be present research groups in this field, as they are led by the doctors Francisco Etxeberria (University of the Basque country), Domènec Campillo (Archaeological Museum of Catalonia), Miguel bottle (University of Granada), Armando Gonzalez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Jose Antonio Sanchez (Universidad Complutense), Assumpció Malgosa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), among others.

Other leading international researchers who will participate, in addition to those mentioned previously, Eugenia Cunha (University of Coimbra, Portugal) is a reference of the paleopathology and anthropological forensic in Europe, and Eric Crubezy (University of Toulouse, France) will be pioneered the analysis paleogenético of diseases such as tuberculosis.

The official opening of the Congress will be in charge of the Minister of culture of Andorra, Albert Esteve, and the Consul of Andorra la Vella, Maria Rosa Ferrer. The DRA. Elisenda Vives, Member of the Government of Andorra and paleopatóloga, will be the inaugural conference, which will take place in the Centre of Andorra la Vella congresses.

The 11th National Congress of Paleopatologia is organized by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and account with the collaboration of the following entities: University of Andorra, Andorra la Vella, Andorran society of Sciences and Government of Andorra joint. The Symposium also sponsored by Servier and Medical Service, healthy.

More information about the Workshop and the programme of the 11th National Congress of Paleopathology by clicking here