Research on new treatments for aggressive tumors focused a seminar for professional health.

-Damiá Tormo and María Soledad Soengas experts star in this meeting which takes place in Genyo next Thursday and that can be attended free of charge to formalizing the inscription here

Andalusia, 2011-December The Department of Health organizes a new session of meetings activity at the frontier of research in health to deal with the advances in the development of new therapies for the treatment of aggressive tumors with high rate of mortality as melanoma metastatic, bladder cancer, or pancreas. The event will be held on December 15 at noon hour in the lounge of acts of the Centre Pfizer-University of Granada-Junta of Andalusia of genomics and research oncological (Genyo), located in the science technological park of the health of Granada.

It is an initiative launched by the Foundation public Andalusian progress and health – central entity management and support for research in public of Andalusia health system – which aims to generate a space for discussion and implementation in common knowledge relating to some of the recent work of research are being carried out to international level and, above all, based on the search for innovative therapies.

In this sense, the presentations will be taught by the Director of the Melanoma group of the program of Molecular Oncology of the National Center for cancer research (CNIO), María Soledad Soengas; and the researcher and CEO of the biopharmaceutical Bioncotech Therapeutics company, Damiá Tormo. Soengas explain how was the scientific process that has led to the development of a new compound, called BO-110 for the treatment of aggressive tumors, which has been effective in early preclinical studies to trigger a process of autodigestion in tumor cells without inducing effects on healthy tissues in different animal models of cancer. This expert will discuss his idea of malignant melanoma is a paradigm of aggressive cancers of negative Outlook and will be placed on that through the use of biopsies of tissue, cellular systems and animal models have discovered unexpected roles of the routes of the endolysosome involved in the initiation of melanoma, as well as in its progression and response to drugs ”.

For its part, Damiá Tormo will talk about different applied biotechnologies to develop this compound and the translation of the results of research to the business, taking as an example the Constitution of the biopharmaceutical Bioncotech.

More than 400 attendees at previous sessions

Activity encounters in the frontier of research in health has been held since 2008 in different Andalusian provinces, with heterogeneous themes. More than 400 professionals, have attended these sessions not only public Andalusian health system, but also other public and private outside and within Andalusia. entities

These sessions have been attended by experts as Teresa Gallart, of the Immunology service of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona; Guillermo de la Cueva, researcher of the cancer cell unit in Hutchinson-Medical Research Council of Cambridge or source Jesus of Nanoscience Institute, Aragon, among others. The last two sessions held in the month of June and July respectively had as rapporteurs Philip Horner, Associate Professor of the Department of surgery neurological of the Institute of stem cell and regenerative medicine at the University of Washington; and Shalesh Kaushal, belonging to the Department of Ophthalmology and cell biology at the American University of Massachusetts.

With this activity, approaching the lines of research being carried out in different national and international centres in the field of advanced therapies, an area for which the Ministry of health is betting strong, that his research leads to the development of treatments and medicines highly innovative derived from gene therapy (with gene)cell (cell) therapy and tissue engineering (with tissues).