Harare, 4 sep (EFE).-the President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, suffers from prostate cancer that could cost their lives by 2013, according to a diplomatic cable from U.S. filtered by the Wikileaks website and disclosed today by the Zimbabwean state Sunday “Sunday Mail”.

Transcription of the document reveals a conversation held in 2008 the Governor of the Central Bank of Zimbabwe, Gideon Gono, and the then US Ambassador in Harare, James McGee.

“El President Robert Mugabe has a prostate cancer that has spread by metastasis and which, according to doctors, will cause his death within three to five years”, he told Gono McGee, according to the cable.

“Mugabe doctor recommended him to reduce his activities,” adds the document.

However, the Governor of the Central Bank of Zimbabwe has denied ever having made those comments.

Mugabe, at the age of 87, has traveled this year at least five times to Asia accompanied by his wife, Grace, for reasons doctors.

According to presidential spokesman George Charamba, the marriage made those trips by an operation of cataract that Mugabe underwent last January, and by some back problems of his wife following a fall in his mansion in Harare.

To date, the Party of Mugabe, the African national Zimbabwe Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), has refused to admit that the octogenarian head of State has problems of health.

Mugabe ruled the country solo and authoritatively since the independence of the United Kingdom, in 1980, to the Alliance in a coalition Government with the movement for democratic change of the Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, in 2009.

From November 2010, daily influential in several countries have had access to hundreds of thousands of the US State Department cables leaked by WikiLeaks.

This web devoted to disclose secret official documents, published in late August 134,000 cables of American diplomacy in that, instead of made in previous disclosures, it lays bare the identity of protected sources. EFE