it says that there can be no professional “at the foot of home” but guarantees a query in the enclosure walls of Segovia


Adviser to health of Castilla y León, Antonio María Sáez Aguado, has insisted on Wednesday that in a crisis situation as the current not be can “distract” the budgetary effort for non-priority issues and that the primary objective of the Board is now keeping the public system and pay their workers payroll.

“At the moment we have to temporarily renounce some investments to the construction of some projected health centers because the priority is to maintain the operation of the assistance”, has said the Adviser.

Sáez Aguado has traveled to Segovia to visit the expansion of the center of health Segovia III as well as to meet with the delegate territorial Board, Javier López-Escobar and managers and the General Hospital, in order to reflect together on the current situation, marked by the “difficult” economic health professionals.

During his visit, wanted to insist on the “absolute” commitment of the regional Executive of keep the public system as it is now known, despite the complications, which as it has been expressed has become apparent in the increase of resources and their quality in recent years.

The owner of health has referred to figures of Segovia to argue such a commitment. In this sense, has highlighted the increase in a 17 per cent in the number of professionals since 2002, the existence of a primary care health per 742 inhabitants – the national average stands at one by each 1,450 – and the increase in infrastructure, including the Centre Segovia III, among other aspects.

However, the Adviser has indicated that the immediate future “goes through greater involvement of professionals in management and by assigning more responsibility”, which are decisions which “determine the outcome of the health and the quality of care, in addition to spending”.

Has also moved to the management teams need to cede part of the power and decision-making professionals decide with autonomy and power between all contribute to the sustainability of public health, which will be benefited by the measures raised by the Board and the extension of working time for officials.


On his visit to Segovia and before the controversy arose before the polyclinic, the Councillor has reiterated that the Board has not raised any future for this building in the center of the city after closing its doors.

In line with this, has affected that in these times of crisis, and given that Segovia has one “sufficient in qualitative and quantitative terms” public health, this Centre is not a priority for the regional executive.

“Hospital capacity of Segovia still not been used in its entirety.” Has “not been cut services which had the polyclinic”, emphasised, even though it has guaranteed that does not preclude any action for the future and that, when the economic and budgetary situation recovers, will address the health care needs of Segovia and will be used, if necessary, this property.

Should “today health care be organized with efficiency criteria”, he pointed Sáez, who has been urged to return other centres which have been derived the efforts, such as Segovia III, and has rejected that the attention diversifies to the point of having professionals “walking home”.

Responsible for health has nevertheless guaranteed the option to maintain a query that reply in the walled enclosure of urban accessibility but not strictly health needs.

In his opinion, the best option is to focus attention on health centres, where there are technology, communications, training and teamwork.