The Union of nursing SATSE has described the speech of the Counselor of health of the Generalitat catalana, Boi Ruiz, of “deliberately ambiguous”. Also, upon hearing his proposing a private higher income insurance, asked that the crisis should not be used to introduce measures of co-pay.

To his view, “is much talk of introducing measures of copay but it has never clarified what will do with the money raised”. In addition, it warns that “under no circumstances should used the crisis to impose more measures of co-payment in health”.

“There is a possibility of improving the management but for this you need managers professional and not related to the political ideology of the ruling party, as it is customary in our State,” adds.

Are therefore opposed to any measure that penalises even more health, and understands that carried out somewhat, “the politicians should offer a serious commitment that this money will finally reverse the improvement of the public health system and which will not focus, for example, at the other end”.

Similarly, budgets finalists for health claims, and recalls that “today refers much of the deficit of the Spanish public health system but nobody explains if the money earmarked for health has completed financing public works, for example, or covering gaps in the budget of other non-health departments”.

In this sense, since SATSE recalls that the health budget of Spain is around 6.5% of GDP, two points less than the European average. “In spite of this the level of efficiency is high, thanks to the effort of health professionals, including nurses, which, however are affected principals in setting up cutbacks”, concludes.