
with mental illness just around the corner, there are greater possibilities to develop one of these disorders due to stress that we are constantly exposed.


A new study has concluded that a way to detect schizophrenia is thanks to an examination of the vista.

a team of specialists from the University of Aberdeen have found a method to obtain an exact diagnosis envelope if a person suffers or not schizophrenia; the margin of effectiveness that can be handled is 98% accuracy, but it is expected that with further study and refinement are closer to the precise percentage.

Tests consist of tracking objects in slow motion, in turn keeping the eyes fixed on a target, Dr. Philip Benson, one of the leaders of this health research, spoke more to the respecto:

Has been known for over a hundred years that people with Psychotic illnesses have a variety of abnormal eye movements, but to our study, nobody thought that the deficiencies were sensitive enough to be used as potential biomarkers in clinical diagnosis.

In conclusion, it was discovered that people with schizophrenia have a deficit in the ability to track a fixed object, since the movements of their eyes tend to fall behind the object in motion then a series of rapid eye movement.

Hope soon talk more in detail about this new breakthrough in medicine, so you can handle an exact margin for those who suffer from schizophrenia and separate them from those who suffer other completely different disorders.