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A substance found in green tea was the path to the development of an effective compound to combat dental erosion.


at the Faculty of Dentistry of Bauru (FOB), USP Professor Marília Buzalaf, Department of biological sciences of FOB, in conjunction with other researchers, has done some tests that demonstrate the effectiveness of catechin polyphenols (antioxidant action nutrient found in green tea) as inhibiting of matrix Metalloproteinases (MMP). These enzymes, when enabled, are responsible for the erosion of dentin, the innermost layer of the tooth


one of the substances tested by the researchers as inhibitors of MMP is the epigalocatequina galate (EGCG), a flavonoid (Group of organic compounds found in several plant species and in processed foods such as tea) which is also found in green tea


the group responsible for the research produced gels based inhibitors of enzymes as galate epigalocatequina, found in green tea, chlorhexidine and ferrous sulphate. The gels were applied on the dentin, later exposed to acidic substances, such as soft drinks. While the mouthwash with 30% of tea inhibited corrosion, the use of the gel, all 100% guaranteed, inhibitors of inhibition in a single application.

The gels were patented by the Agency USP innovation, and has been given the order entry licensing that enables their marketing. The idea is that patients with the problem may go to the dental office receive the professional application developed in gel FOB. /> the next step is a study of longer duration that evaluate the long-term effects of gel and discover how much on how long it takes a new application.