semFYC and Bioiberica Pharma join forces to enhance the programme of community activities in primary care (PACAP).

-científico-docente activities and the dissemination of Community actions are the two main axes of the agreement

-the PACAP aims promote healthy behaviors, transmit health information to the population and increase the quality of life and social welfare

Barcelona, October of 2011- the Spanish society of family medicine and community (semFYC) and Farma Bioiberica have signed on Monday a collaboration agreement aimed at strengthening the programme of community activities in the semFYC primary care. The collaboration aims to organize and develop científico-docente nature activities, training and further training in the field of the medical specialty of family medicine and community.

The programme of community activities in primary care (PACAP) was approved by the Board of Directors of the semFYC in 1996 and since then it has developed activities to promote health, increase the quality of life and social well-being. Among other actions, has created the network of community activities to facilitate contacts and the exchange of information between groups carrying out community practices. The specific training of primary care practitioners and dissemination are the main objectives of the agenda driven by the semFYC that, from now on, it has the support of Bioiberica Farma.

Another of the first actions to be carried out fruit of the agreement between semFYC and Bioiberica Farma is the Organization of a scientific conference on the need for new therapeutic approaches for osteoarthritis. You will be held on 17 and 18 November in Madrid and will focus, especially in the current therapeutic pathology and new and emerging technologies in this field.

The President of the semFYC, Dr. Josep Basra, has valued the Convention as ” very positive for the promotion of community activities which develops the semFYC and a good way to start the path of collaboration between the semFYC and Bioiberica. In the semFYC we maintain regular collaborations with various institutions, to enhance the professional clinical practice update and development of family medicine.

This agreement will give a boost to community activity and deepen the approach of a pathology as prevalent in primary care, such as musculoskeletal diseases ”.

For its part the Director General of Bioiberica, Josep Escaich, said: with the signing of the Convention want to put at the service of the semFYC our scientific capacity and our social commitment, contribute to the programme of community activities and new therapeutic approaches in arthrosis ”.


The semFYC is the Federation of the 17 medical societies of family and community in Spain and brings together more than 20,000 family doctors. Your organization is articulated in vocalías, sections, committees, working groups and specific programmes, working for the development and empowerment of the family medicine in Spain.

Bioiberica Farma

Bioiberica Farma is the only Spanish laboratory specializing in research and development of medicines and effective techniques for the treatment and the comprehensive approach to arthritis.

Specifically, specialises in chondroprotection, namely, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cartilage, synovial membrane, and the subcondral bone injuries.