Seoul, 16 mar ( EFE).- the South Korea today condemned the announcement of Korea of the North of launching a satellite in April next and said that if Pyongyang carries out such an action deemed her “a serious Act of provocation“.

“If Korea of the North launched an observation satellite, it will be a serious act of provocation against peace and stability in the Korea peninsula and Northeast Asia,” said the Foreign Ministry South Korean in a statement released by the local agency Yonhap.

The Foreign Ministry in Seoul, which rules out have announced action for exclusively peaceful purposes, as defend Pyongyang, argued that the North Korean launch would violate UN resolution 1718 of the Security Council of the United Nations, which prohibits the Communist country to nuclear and ballistic missile tests.

The Foreign Office South Korean, who interprets that the launch is cover up a long-range ballistic missile test, demanded the Communist regime to “immediately stop such an act of provocation and comply with their international obligations”.

Today, Korea of the North had previously announced through its state news agency KCNA that will launch its satellite Kwangmyongsong-3 Earth observation through a long-range rocket into space in April to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the founder of the country, Kim Il-sung, the 15th of the next month.

Pyongyang promised to respect international standards on launch of science and technology satellites for peaceful purposes and ensure maximum transparency.

However, a similar launch in 2009 already cost the North Korea criticism from much of the international community and the UN through a presidential statement condemning.

In addition, the announcement of Korea of the North could condition the Covenant his Government reached in late February with EE. UU., committed to deliver 240,000 tonnes of aid to the impoverished Asian country to change to it temporarily suspend their nuclear programmes and missiles. EFE