Bad breath is not a problem of a few.According to a press release , laboratory specializing in oral hygiene between 50 and 60% of the world population has suffered halitosis at some time in their lives.Proper oral hygiene is essential to reduce the risk of halitosis.How can we avoid becoming one more of this percentage?The following tips will help you get it.
  1. Extreme your oral hygiene.Did you know that 90% of cases of halitosis originate in the mouth and not in the stomach?So for the health of our teeth and gums is important.Brushing should become routine after eating, not to mention the hygiene of the teeth (dental floss) and language.Ends the transaction with a mouthwash.
  2. Drink water between meals.prevent your mouth from drying out, one of the causes explaining the appearance of bad breath.
  3. Stop smoking if you still do.The snuff also dries the mouth, like coffee or abuse alcohol.Smoking also increases the chances of suffering from gingivitis, a gum disorder closely linked to halitosis.
  4. Reduce consumption of certain foods.The garlic, onions or spiced foods containing certain volatile compounds (metabolites) responsible for the appearance of halitosis.
  5. Beware of low-calorie diets.Not eating enough or skipping meals can also cause bad breath.The best: observe the five daily meals.
  6. Do not skip your annual appointment with the dentist.Having a bridge or dentures in poor condition can become breeding grounds for bacteria responsible for halitosis and gingivitis is not treated properly.Mark your calendar well in the day of your dental checkup.
  7. Some drugs and conditions can be the cause.Poorly controlled diabetes, the real failure, autoimmune diseases, digestive or respiratory and certain drugs such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or nitrate Amil part 10% of cases that do not originate in the mouth.Keep this in mind also.