Significant schizophrenia is one of the most serious mental pathologies that exist. It is a chronic disorder that Spain is present in around four hundred thousand affectedThis terrible disease affects not only those who suffer but also their relatives, and psychiatric and social problem of first order.

The international scientific community has schizophrenia in its sights with regard to research, and have recently achieved results that indicate the location of the causes of this disease could be quite close to.

unit of psychosis and research of Benito Menni CASM, integrated in the network of centers of biomedical research in the area of Mental Health (CIBERSAM), has developed a research revealed alterations structural and functional in the frontal cortex of the brain. The work has been published by the journal Molecular Psychiatry, and most importantly in this case is that, to date, no inquiry had found structural and functional brain abnormalities in the part of the brain which referred to the Studio.

By comparing the brains of thirty-two patients with schizophrenia with the same number of healthy people, and the use of three different resonance techniques, has reached the conclusion that Middle frontal cortex is the region that it is anomalous in the patients. This area is part of a network of brain regions of recent discovery, called Default Mode Network (neural network by default, Spanish); this network has also been linked with other mental, such as Alzheimer’s disease and depression.

In the words of Dr. Peter McKenna, principal investigator of the CIBERSAM and one of the authors of the article, these results are potentially important, because the convergence of these findings structural and functional brain suggests that the medial frontal cortex may be a place to focus research efforts in the future.It may be a clue to find the causes of schizophrenia ”.

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Tags: causes schizophrenia, mental illness, health news