Washington, 2 Dec (EFE).-American singer Norah Jones participates in a video from NASA along with astronaut Piers Sellers which highlights the benefits and applications on Earth with the progress made in the space outside.

With a jazz music of background and images of the Earth and some of the missions of NASA, singer, pianist and songwriter’s newest highlights some of the progress made by the space agency applied to life everyday.

“La NASA invests much time observing the universe but also employs long time investigating here on Earth,” says Jones.

Next to it, Sellers, veteran of three space shuttles, program missions highlights some applications, such as a technology created to ensure that the astronauts can fill their tanks of oxygen which is also used to generate clean energy in our planet.

The couple stresses how technology increases the production and the use of clean energy, fuel efficiency and the reduction of carbon emissions and contributes to the study and understanding of climate change.

The Executive Head of the programme of technology transfer from NASA, Daniel Lockney, said in a statement that the American space agency “provides opportunities to the industry and the innovative technologies developed for space to consumers around the world in order”.

Photograph taken in July of 2010 that took place at the singer and songwriter Norah Jones, who has significantly benefits and applications that have on the Earth advances in outer space. EFE/file