According to medical studies carried out in United States, those people with an agenda of irregular sleep have higher risk for heart problems.


People who sleep less than 6 hours and more than 8 hours at risk of harm heart health, according to research by the school of Medicine of Chicago. people who sleep less than 6 hours per day are twice as likely to suffer heart attacks and the 1.6 per cent of these people are likely fails heart to those people who sleep around 6 to 8 hours a day.

On the other hand, people who sleep more than 8 hours per night have double the chances of getting angina pectoris and hypertension.

Has concluded that it is necessary that they sleep 6 to 8 to ensure optimal recovery of the body’s energy; a little rest can be so counter-productive for health as it is excessive one. Little sleep does not allow that the body recover completely their energies, while sleep more hours than necessary, you can gradually atrophy their functions. ”

therefore, it is important to meet evils such as insomnia when possible, because while deemed chronic ills and ‘ normal ’, can result in serious contradictions for the long-term health as that we have cited in previous paragraphs.

It is common to suffer sleep disorders, but sleep hours over not help remedy a tiring day and little sleep due to stress nor is justified; for this last, above talking about some tips on How to sleep well after a day of much stress, which we hope can serve them to remedy this problem.