(www.neomundo.com.ar) very little rest puts health at serious risk. People who sleep less than six hours per day have one three times greater risk of suffering a diabetes or heart disease, a new study completed.

The authors from the University of Warwick (United Kingdom) published their results in the journal Annals of Epidemiology. “Compared to people who sleep 6 to 8 hours per day, which lie less than six hours have a very big risk of developing alterations in glucose regulation,” said Saverio Stranges, the lead author.

This difficulty to metabolize sugar, in turn, generates a highest risk of developing type 2 diabetes or heart disease.

Both heart disease and type 2 diabetes are widespread conditions globally. Heart problems constitute one of the main causes of death while type 2 diabetes grew so much that it is considered an epidemic. Indeed, the World Health Organization estimates that more than 220 million people suffer from diabetes, and that deaths by their cause will be multiplied by 2030.

Sleep and health

to find out the relationship between lack of sleep these two diseases, the researchers worked with 1455 volunteers from 35 to 79 years of age. All of them went through a thorough medical examination which included analysis of blood pressure at rest, the State of the heart, the weight, the height and the level of blood glucose. In turn, each volunteer completed a questionnaire about their general health, sense of well-being and the sleep habits.

Stranges said that his research is the first to show the relationship between sleep duration and disturbances in the metabolism of glucose, a condition which strongly increases the risk of developing diabetes or heart problems.

The specialist cautioned that further studies should be made to confirm the finding, but ensures that their work “shows a strong correlation between lack of sleep, type 2 diabetes and diseases of the heart”.

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