Cigarette affect oral treatments, increases the risk of cancer and causes bad breath constant.

more than 200 thousand Brazilians die every year because of the cigarette in accordance with the National Cancer Institute (INCA). Campaigns, lectures, and other types of action warn about the dangers of tobacco consumption and still at least 1.3 billion people worldwide are smokers, according to the World Health Organization (who). “The statistics related to the harmful effects of smoking are alarming and these deaths could be avoided. The mouth is the gateway of harmful elements of cigarette and suffers many consequences, “says the orthodontist Gerson i. Köhler.

Who smokes has twice as much chance of losing teeth compared to people who don’t have the addiction. Gerson, who also specializes in Facial Orthopaedics and Functional Orthotics, JAWS still points that periodontal diseases which affect the gums and bone around the teeth, are among the main consequence of smoking. “Addiction, in addition to causing these diseases, causes the success of periodontal treatments and procedures osteointegráveis implants, which replace missing teeth, is severely harmed”, emphasizes.

smoking also causes inflammation of the salivary glands of the mouth and persistent bad breath, but the main recourse of addiction to smoking is generated predisposition to injury potentially premalignant lesions, i.e. cancerizáveis. “These lesions tend to arise with both whitish aspect as reddish mucous membranes of the tongue, cheeks and the floor of the mouth and have higher incidence in male population”, explains the expert, which composes the interdisciplinary team of Köhler Ortofacial and acts as guest lecturer-University graduate Federal do Paraná (UFPR) since 1988.

the orthodontist alert that smokers must undergo dental exams at least every six months to prevent possible injuries or allow early intervention if necessary. “Cigarette smoke contains almost 5,000 harmful substances that affect the body as a whole, including increasing the risk of adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. Even though the addiction is fed by little time, cigarette smoke leaves residual adverse effects to the oral tissues of smokers. Scientific studies show that the after-effects still persist in the body of who quits smoking for a reasonable time “, says


To light up a cigarette is a true molecular disorganization in tobacco substances themselves. Cigarette Ember temperature can reach 1,000° C, generating nearly 5,000 cigarette chemicals, with about 60 of them are proven to be carcinogenic. “Nicotine, benzopyrene, nitrosamines, solvents, heavy metals, nickel, arsenic, formaldehyde, ammonia, carbon monoxide and up to agrotóxicas substances, used in the cultivation of tobacco, are responsible for the potentially cancerizáveis lesions that may be caused”, reveals Juarez Köhler, orthodontist and orthopaedic facial that is also part of Köhler Ortofacial.


dark Teeth affect facial aesthetics

Juarez highlights that the cigarette components leave the teeth with a brownish-yellow color, interfering in the aesthetics of the smile and dental health. The dark pigment contained in cigarette smoke is deposited on the enamel of the teeth, leaving them darkened and with terrible aspect. “These spots in the crowns of the teeth are caused by natural grip and by the presence of bacteria cromogênicas, that has affinity for dyes of smoke. The removal of these stains that are pigmented similarly to teeth can be performed periodically by means of a dental practice in cleanup, followed by teeth whitening procedure, “explains


the tooth whitening can help to remove the dark blotches, but ideally the patient stops smoking before undergoing the procedure and after realising it, otherwise the positive effects of treatment may be lost. “The whitening of dental Crowns can eliminate the aspect antiestético caused by dark color, but does not keep your teeth lighter if the patient continues smoking and also does not eliminate the highly harmful – and potentially carcinogenic – cigarette on oral mucous membrane”, ends



