Some 40 million people, approximately one of every three births, not score each year in any register of births by fault of barriers such as poverty, social exclusion, disability or laws or a country’s infrastructure, which prevents access to an official certificate of birth.

Has thus stressed it the World Health Organization (who), which applauded the decision on registers of births taken Wednesday by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, which seeks to promote universal registration to reduce the high number of people not registered in the world.

According to the Executive Secretary a.i. Marie-Paule Kieny, of the directorate-general for innovation, information, evidence and research of HMN and who, “recent interest and the action on the issue critical but largely forgotten for the registration of births, deaths and causes of deaths could improve health, equity and commitment”. “I welcome this latest commitment of countries towards a universal registration of births”, says.

For the Assistant Director-general of health of the family, women and children who, Flavia Bustreo, “the lack of a register of births not only has an impact on the enjoyment of rights that correspond to all persons, can also be an obstacle to access to many essential services, such as health”.

Without data on births, national Governments would not be credible evidence that serve as a basis to plan, implement and control their public health policies and thus, the global community would be less likely to achieve the objectives of international agreements.