Spain participates in the launch of EATRIS, a step forward in the effectiveness of research biomedical.

the ISCIII and the VHIR coordinate the Spanish representation in the new body European.

Barcelona, 2011-October EATRIS, the Pan-European network of infrastructures of translational research in medicine, was released yesterday officially with the participation of Spain, Italy, Germany, Finland, Denmark and Holland as key partners of the agreement which began to take shape in the embryonic stage 2007-2010 and to which are added three new countries in the last quarter 2011. Spanish participation is led in the institutional area by the Institute of health Carlos III (ISCIII), which made it official with the signing of its general director, José Jerónimo Navas palaces. On the scientific side, the Coordinator is the Vall d ’ Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR) directed by Dr. Joan x. Comella.

Translational Research improves the effective translation of excellence in biomedical research to drugs, Diagnostics and medical devices. EATRIS provides a simple, centralized access to technology and capacity who reside in the best institutions and European companies and research groups to collaborate can expect more effective transfer of its fundamental scientific advances to specific products that directly benefit the patient and improve public health. Some of the key areas of research that touches EATRIS are the oncological, cardiovascular, metabolism, infectious diseases, Neurology and immunology research.

The VHIR is the scientific coordinator and will work directly in the first phase in the groups of advanced therapies and personalized medicine and biomarkers. It will coordinate the participation of 14 health research institutes accredited by the ISCIII, as well as 8 hospitals of excellence from the national health system – the largest clinical involvement of participating countries – and some of the best centres of excellence in basic research oriented.

Is a pride for the Hospital Universitario Vall d ’ Hebron and its Research Institute to scientifically coordinate a key project for the improvement of the health of citizens at the same time encourages us in the leadership of the international translational research ”, says Dr. Joan x. Comella, director of the VHIR.

The VHIR has been chosen to scientifically coordinate the Spanish participation by its established vocation in translational research and by having a full translational infrastructure in metolodogías such as genomics, proteomics and metabolomics, as well as having elements of ultrasecuenciación pointer in Spain.

Spain, also presented the candidacy of the VHIR to preside over the Committee of national scientific representatives of EATRIS which would be an important recognition for the country and the Centre in particular.

With the combination of the potentiality of Governments, biomedical centres and innovative companies, Europe can make a leap forward in biomedical research to improve results forecasts, diagnostic and treatment of patients. EATRIS is also a response to the global decline in productivity in the biopharmaceutical sector. Now is the time to undertake concerted and coordinated to the major challenges in health and productivity Europe’s ”, says Giovanni Migliaccio, scientific director of EATRIS. EATRIS is an important weapon in this joint effort, this consortium will improve the provision of medical care and will make the European biopharmaceutical sector more competitive and ready to respond to the needs of the public health sector ”.

While the pharmaceutical industry spends annually 60 thousand million euros in r & d of new drugs, there are still many outstanding challenges in health. Only 10% of the medicines in development, most for treatment of common diseases will come to the market, thus making new medicines on extremely expensive. In addition, even drugs that are approved are (in varying degrees) only effective in a small group of patients indicated proportion and therefore need a major change in which academics and industry to share facilities and experiences.

Coordination and support of EATRIS offices are on the campus of the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. Key objectives are to create a simple and unique access through the coordination of the Office platform and make infrastructure consortium are ready to respond to the projects. In 2012 the research pilot projects will be launched alongside EATRIS operations to support them.