continue with other three steps of the step by step to achieve a professional from home pedicure guide.

7. we will implement a generous cream for feet amount, masajearemos and take care to cover the foot, especially the part dry and flaky. We will use a massage lotion to legs up to knees. Thus can we hydrate us in depth the feet and calves. Our skin areas which we leave always forgotten

This is the time to close your eyes and relax for 10 minutes, so we will allow the skin to absorb the soothing lotion and we enjoy a time in peace and tranquility.

8. we empaparemos cotton with nails nail polish remover, and will use it on foot, making sure that eliminated all residues of the lotion. This is very important, because enamel does not accede to the surface that still has remnants of lotion or cream on it.

9. use the toe separators between the fingers, so that each finger of the foot is not partner with the following.

Note: If we do a pedicure in group, you ensure that each person has his own pair of toes separators, is for hygiene. If we do not have so many tabs in fingers, we will use balls of cotton or a roll of cotton. But always carefully maintain the cotton out of the own nails, since cotton fibers can be glued to the enamel.