In times of summer, the skins suffer radiation from the Sun, this is through a direct exposure to the same or not. However, through a series of preventive measures, the misdeeds of the solar star on the cutaneous organ may become very helpful at the time of recovering the aspect and the feeling of freshness.

avoid hours of strong radiation

Hours close to noon, tend to be large negative impact on the skins. It is suggested to keep in mind the schedule of exhibition, whereas the same is three hours before or three hours after noon. If for reasons of force majeure, you must access it in rush hours, it is suggested to protect the skins with blocking emulsions and clothes light.

moisturize the skin

Hydration is fundamental to a healthy skin. However, contrary to what everyone assumes, hydration not shall be only from the outside, but is it at the same time, internal. I.e., creams and emulsions are extremely positive in the recovery of the health of the skin, but also the swallowed liquid, is evident in the same

nourish the skin

This process, as well as hydration, must be in double track, i.e. internal and external. Emulsions, creams and nourishing oils, must be implemented during the night. At the same time, a healthy diet, based on vegetables, fruits and cereals, is essential for a look pleasant.