The when a person has fever the first thing to do is in any way lower body temperature. In order to break the fever our grandmothers used some infallible method that always worked them. Already out with milk, barley, lavender or Yarrow, our grandmothers made us feel much better when we were sick.

Since antiquity is known to be a very effective remedy to get the body temperature of the sick who have febrile symptoms decrease applied throughout the body only fresh milk, from the feet to the head.

The is true that our pace of life today and the fact that the bulk of the population be concentrated in large cities (a few miles of a cow) makes it impossible to have access to the newly milk. Alternatively, our grandmothers proposed three or four puñaditos of barley in a quart of water boil, as replacement of fresh milk, and untar the resulting liquid with the body of the patient.

Another remedy that gives very good results is massaging the feet with eucalyptus or lavender oil. As soon as the patient is stabilized a bit externally, the best thing is to take three times a day a small glass of water leaving stand a pinch of cayenne pepper, yarrow, eupatorio, because it stimulates sweating and reduces fever.

In case that the troubled by the fever was a child, the grandmothers made him drink a tisane softer and more pleasant than the previous one: an infusion of hibiscus and few drops of lemon.

Saludyremedios; Happyflower

Tags: antipyretic, lower fever, health home remedies