The average age for receiving a permanent disability pension is situated in 51 years.

Spain, November 2011- according to a study carried out by the legal medical group on data collected by the Ministry of labour and immigration on the month of July, permanent disability pensions are granted to a median age of 51. This issue of pension is reduced exponentially as it reduces the person’s age, arriving to be six times higher among the elderly, in young people 25 and 35 years.

If we analyse this data from an economic point of view, the average amount of pensions for permanent incapacity declared in people in their fifties and is 950 euros, while the younger average pension is approaching the 770 euros. The median age for the granting of pension hardly varies between different types of compensation, by placing disability and the major disability pension at the age of 52 in 51.

Thanks to various studies carried out on diseases that most contribute to the statement by the permanent disability, we find that the ailments that influence this condition, in order of importance, are: musculoskeletal diseases, cardiovascular disease, the neoplastic and the psychiatric. Psychiatric diseases cause incapacitation at age 51 on average, the neoplastic the age 53, the musculoskeletal at 55, and respiratory diseases make it to age 58.

Illnesses or accidents can happen at any time of our lives, so it is essential to go to the best professionals in this situation. In Spain only the law medical group is able to offer a diagnosis from a technical, medical and legal point of view, and is since 1978 who more cases won by defending the rights of those who have suffered an injury that prevents them from working.