The NAP has benefits or not, according to experts, make a NAP the day, about 45 minutes, is very beneficial for our organism and especially for those people who suffer from high blood pressure or heart problems

Because the NAP, reduces blood pressure and heart rate, and to demonstrate, the study was based on about 80 healthy students, of which half was asleep siesta and the other half not. And noted that it was true that the NAP reduced these levels, in that if her practiced. results, showed so NAP, you can accelerate the cardiovascular recovery, after a day of great mental stress. What is more, the more they slept subjects, the best were the results. Also recommended is a half an hour a day.

Therefore from here we also recommend that you do a healthy NAP every day, because you ganaréis not only on health, if not being rested, your state of mind also improves, as well as the concentration and the State of mood.

Healthy Web Vitadelia

Tags: NAP benefits, medical studies, NAPs