the Bologna plan nursing students begin their practices in Fuenlabrada

its immersion will last 20 weeks

Madrid, 2011-September A total of 32 students for fourth grade of nursing of the Universidad Europea de Madrid course have begun their period of practices in the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada. These students are part of the first class of graduates in nursing of the community of Madrid, once introduced the model of the European higher education area, known as the Bologna process.

As novelty to the period of practices of these students, notably the immersion of future professionals in hospital life, with a stay of 20 weeks, during which acquire skills for the development of the skills of the profession framed four of Hospital care processes.

These four processes, in an environment of residentializati, will allow students, to inform the patient in the different phases in which occurs the healthcare process, beyond the unit in which it carried out his training.

So this provided their participation in the process of care for women, comprising dislodgement, emergencies and hospitalization, the process that affects the care of the child that integrates the unity of neonates, Pediatrics and pediatric emergency, critical care process includes resuscitation and intensive care and finally the patient oncological process implies the squaresdoes the plant of hospitalization, hospital day and radiotherapy.

The direct participation of professionals from the Hospital in the training of students where way personalized future nurses, for the acquisition of knowledge and skills, to develop in an environment of quality and safety for our patients.