All but last criticize cuts of the Generalitat


The five main Catalan general elections candidates have shown their respect for the doctors strike for Tuesday and Wednesday by American de Catalunya (SMC) against the budget cuts of the Balearic Government in the sector, but have reacted to it with nuances.

Josep Antoni Duran (CiU) does not believe that the strike will affect the campaign – “now they would like some to affect the election outcome, but it need not” – and on Monday already challenged the Minister Carme Chacon to force an extraordinary Council of Ministers that the Government pay a Catalunya debts, because thus should not cut in health.

Chacón, candidate of the PSC, has attributed the strike to “cuts in wild of the CiU Government Council, mismanagement of the Balearic Government and its inability to negotiate”, highlighted the efforts of staff in the sector, and has accused the right Spanish and Catalan cut in health to the crisis as an excuse because they see this area as a business for the private sector.

Alfred Bosch (ERC), always critical of CiU cuts in health and education, not opposed to the strike but has complained that doctors have organized it not seek her conscripting all public health workers: “For the rest of the health workers, it can be seen as something corporate.” “It would make more sense and strength if all workers they came together”.

Joan Coscubiela (ICV-EUiA) has defended the efforts of the quality of care at the cuts, to which attaches the protest, and he has demanded to CiU to the Government to “end once and for all the unjust, unnecessary and clumsy policies of rights cuts.” “If you have to cut something, are privileges”.

The popular Jorge Fernandez said that the Government was wrong when it comes to prioritize your budget settings, and has defended the right to strike “if they believe that it has reached an extreme situation”, but has asked to reconcile this right with the minimum services so as not to risk the health of the people.