The CECOVA calls for the enforcement of the law 8/2008 of health rights of the child and the adolescent who commits to make nursing services in all of the colleges of education special.

on the occasion of the celebration in Spain of the Universal of children day, the CECOVA praised the initiatives of some municipalities to cover the cost of school nursing.

valencia, 2011-April the Council of nursing in the region of Valencia (CECOVA) and the colleges of nursing in Valencia, Castellón and Alicante claimed last Thursday, the Universal Children’s day Eve, compliance with the law 8/2008 of health rights of the child and adolescent, now only 19 per cent of the 46 schools of special education (EEC) have the staffing of nursing established legislation passed in June 2008.

The President of the CECOVA, José Antonio Avila Olivares, recalled that, on this day to defend the rights of the child, we want to complain to the Council to comply with article 10.4 of the law 8/2008 of the health rights of the child and adolescents indicating that specific special education schools will be equipped with nursing staff, organically depending on the corresponding Health Department ”. However, almost three years after the enactment of this Act are not yet equipped with all of the schools of special education of the Valencian Community ”.

Currently the schools equipped with nursing personnel attached to Ministry of health and the Ministry of Justice and public administrations with a total of 9 are 24 public EEC and 13 arrived at without provision of school nursing. Nine schools for a total of 46 implies that only has a 19%, and is 81 per cent without giving.

In summary, a total of 37 public and concerted special education centres are outstanding staffing with nursing staff, i.e., since the adoption of the law 8/2008, have only been equipped with a total of eight schools for special education, that next to colegio Virgen of the hope of Cheste (Valencia that it already had with school nurse as a transferred plaza) the Ministry of education, added nine centres that are currently equipped with autonomous administration nursing staff.

Before this delay some municipalities Elda, Petrer, Monòvar, Aspe, Salinas, Sax and Novelda and La Vila Joiosa, in the province of Alicante, have taken the initiative of Sana nursing school so class for the College of special education Miguel de Cervantes, in the first case, or through an agreement with the own CECOVA, in the second case, to give nurse to EEC Secanet of this locality ”, said José Antonio Avila. A situation which, according to the Organization autonomous College of nursing, is only patch, that some of these municipalities has already warned that the budget does not maintain this service ”.

Needs of special education centers health care

Therefore, CECOVA, on the occasion of Universal Children’s day, demanded that the Administration that will expedite this provision so that all these centres are covered with nursing services as soon as possible ”, because needs of health care for special education schools are very important because they serve students with severe problems of health such as cerebral palsy, spongiform, Muscular Dystrophies, ataxias, neurodegenerative, metabolic diseases, autism and pervasive disorders diseases of Down’s syndrome, various cromosopatías, development, and so on. They are students who need continuous professional care, which are not currently receiving ”.

The CECOVA recalled that it is children with physical impairments and sensory associated to their mental disability and, in many cases, with partners such as diabetes, epilepsy, allergies, chronic diseases, … what has resulted dysfunctions such as risk of choking on swallowing, bodily harm in epileptic attacks and autolíticas behaviors, aggression to other children, etc… Also, these children are carriers of drilling and devices requiring care and supervision of medical personnel such as feeding tubes, urinary catheters, tracheal cannula, assisted and vacuum cleaners respirators of mucosa.

These requirements, together with the relevance to administer appropriate treatments and control probes for food and elimination, justify adequately the relevance of implementing of nursing professionals in these centres in all the school hours. Timely action is insufficient, since not can plan when a student will suffer a seizure or a carrier of tracheal cannula will perform a mucous plug. However, that it can be expected is that the lack of an immediate health care can cost the life of this child.