el CGCFE meets with disability institutions and offers collaboration to address their needs in the field of physical therapy

Madrid, April 2012.- the vocal of the General Council of schools of physiotherapists of Spain (CGCFE), Iban Arrien, has met with disability organizations to know the physiotherapeutic needs of the collective and has offered the collaboration of the Council for the development joint actions intended to alleviate the difficulties they encounter in their daily lives.

As highlighted Arrien, the objective of the Council is to defend the interests of citizens to encourage and promote the health of people and contribute to alleviating the difficulties they encounter in their daily lives as well as promote a model of Physiotherapeutic care adapted to the 21st century.

The Member of the Council has offered to associations an institutional collaboration, through the implementation underway training days on physiotherapy in the various entities that make up the associations of people with disabilities, as well as the establishment of a dialogue and direct collaboration with each of them.

In this line, it has proposed to assistants entities the creation of a national forum to discuss the physiotherapeutic needs of disability and the momentum of one model more suited to the circumstances. The implementation of informative campaigns, the impulse to research and direct referral to a physical therapist, are the commitments of the Council.

During the meeting, Miriam Torregrosa, social worker of the Spanish Federation for rare diseases (ERDF) Madrid, explained that in the field of rare diseases, physiotherapy is very specific and costly ” and families have to bear costs of up to 360 euros per month in therapy. Therefore, deemed of great importance which universities train physiotherapists on how deal with this type of disease.

For his part, Luis Perales, physiotherapist of the NUMEN Foundation, integrated in the Madrid ASPACE Federation, referred to the problem on patients with cerebral palsy and has complained that there is no single physiotherapy approach to agree the methodology best suited to each case and thisHe pointed out, often it depends on the training. in addition, highlighted the existence of scientific evidence on the effectiveness of certain treatments of physiotherapy.

In this line, Javier Buendía, fisioteraputa of the Federation of organisations for people with intellectual disabilities (FEAPS), has ensured that the area of physical well-being has been relegated in the field of intellectual disability. Also has complained that there is no training on certain diseases or in universities or outside them, because when confronted with certain patients, the fisioterapeua is lost ”.

Susana Martín, Manager of Aspaym Madrid, has highlighted that in addition to the specialization in certain pathologies, important is the motivation to work with chronic patients and has opted for the realization of studies on the benefits of physical therapy in certain patients.

Pedro Moyano, on behalf of the Federation of organisations for people with intellectual disabilities (COCEMFE), has stressed the importance of maintaining physical therapy and pointed out the need to put in place information campaigns in this respect.

Natacha León, medical rehabilitative of the spinal Lesionado Foundation (FLM), has ensured that it is necessary to bring together everything that includes rehabilitation, which is not only physical therapy, although this is a very important component. Is necessary to focus on a global and general objective ”, said.

Finally, the LWF, Ana Soriano, Director has called for the drafting of a report assessing the benefits of physical therapy and what means of cost savings for the State, which should reach the health administrations.


The General Council of physiotherapists schools of Spain (CGCFE) is the body representing more than 40,000 physiotherapists, Spain, working with the common goal of promoting the health of citizens. In addition, orders the profession, guardianship the interests of physiotherapy, as well as its optimal implementation and universalization.

Physiotherapists are health professionals, as provided for in the existing legislation, accredited with the University degree in physiotherapy, taught in 43 universities and possessors of knowledge and skills to benefit the health of the population. in addition, there is a greater number of doctorates and mastersthat ensure their high qualifications