El CODiNuCoVa opens its doors to the students of the University of Murcia that enable them to practice with the Valencian Community dietistas-nutricionistas.

valencia, February 2012.- the official professional College of Dietitians and nutritionists of the Comunitat Valenciana (CODiNuCoVa) has signed an agreement framework of collaboration with the University Catholic San Antonio Murcia (UCAM) and the Association of dieticians-Nutricionsitas of the region of Murcia (ADIN-MUR).

The objective is to establish channels for the joint execution of activities of training and research that will result in benefit of the students and profe-sionales of human nutrition and dietetics of these two autonomous communities, disclosed-ing.

In virtue of this Convention, the UCAM students may take practices both in the region of Murcia and Valencia, always next to a dietista-nutricionista.

In the signing of the Convention speakers the President of UCAM, José Luis Mendoza; the President of ADINMUR, Francisco Miguel Celdrán; and the President of the CODiNuCoVa, soul Palau.

Thanks to the agreement signed may be carried out, among other activities, the promotion of action environment to food and healthy lifestyles; the promotion of cur – sos and workshops specialized in human nutrition and dietetics, as well as the collaboration between the three entities to deepen in the training and in the development of research organizations related to their activity.