Madrid, 10 mar ( EFE).- laughter causes enormous health benefits and as it is contagious, can be accelerated “healing” of troubled Spanish society a phenomenon new, the so-called “ hopelessness founded”, before measures are taken against the economic crisis and ending not give fruit.

“Need a campaign or promotion of laughter as a remedy for the crisis”, has been sentenced in an interview with Efe doctor Manuel Alvarez, Vice President of the Spanish society of Psychosomatic Medicine (SEMP) and expert in internal medicine.

And is “frustration” is the “most dangerous and endemic” attitude to Spain at the moment, because also behaves like an infectious pathogen. “The example drag, is like the snake biting its tail: slows down the investment, growth and consumption”, has described the psychiatrist.

“Understand that they could argue me that laughter does not pay the mortgage or removes the hunger, but yes that gives desires and horizons to do something positive, and to seek ways and solutions to problems”, has debunked.

If the talks are pessimistic and the media transmit only negative news, the best remedy, in the expert’s view, is to promote a “general State of optimism and hope” to put an end to this “feed-back or feedback of sadness will not solve anything and we will sink”.

The President of the Andalusian society of Psychosomatic Medicine has also defended positive thinking, that each depends on see the bottle half empty or half full.

So, “the best gift we can do today to the Spanish society is increasing and induce the hope” because the humour is catchy and can become a collective phenomenon.

In fact, the most tragic consequence of the economic crisis in Spain, with more than five million unemployed and thousands of families being evicted by foreclosure, has been increased by 25% in the number of suicides and 15% of psychiatric cases.

Álvarez referred to the striking increase in visits to the doctor by the Somatization of all these problems in anxiety, insomnia, depression, periarticulars, migraine headaches, irritable, high blood pressure, stroke or chronic low back pain among other many disorders.

The World Health Organization says that more than 90% of diseases have a psychosomatic origin, so that the way in which each is facing conflicts, frustrations and stress can trigger almost all diseases.

And front, according to Alvarez, described laughter intones the Agency activated neuroendocrine and immune system and brings the number of leukocytes and neurotrasmisoras substances. “People who laugh more have fewer Alzheimer ’s”, he has tempered.

Humor helps to release endorphins, dopamine, serotonin and also adrenaline, hormones to help improve health and enhance physical well-being.

Also activated the so-called “curatrix vis” or force healing, reducing by up to 60 percent of patient recovery time.

The specialist has said that “people who are not laughing are dangerous” because “lowered the level of joy” of their environment. “Blessed are those who know themselves laughing because they will have fun for a while,” has ironizado.

“The smile is contagious because the well itself is diffusive”, added the expert, who has pointed out that there is an anthropological principle that “laughter and joy when they share increase, while decreases the sadness when it communicates”.

Without a doubt, has continued, “laughter is a social value because it grease coexistence” and have the ability to make laugh to the other is “one of the best qualities that may possess”.

People who are capable of “removing the dramatic dyes” is also President of “delete the rarefied atmosphere” being created in Spain, to “open a window allowing breathing to the soul with depth and download of tensions”.

Alvarez has concluded that leave sprout laughter is a “great prevention of others and our own mental health therapy” and a superb remedy for dealing with the economic crisis, and out of it as soon as possible.